Monday, February 14, 2011

Trip to Tobago

Sunday. My trip to Tobago. Well, this is one interesting and scary trip. Scary because I am going there alone. Had a little arrangement thanks to my taxi driver yesterday who introduce me a friend of his managing a small accommodation for travelers in Tobago for a cheap price.

My ferry ride was from Port of Spain to Scarborough. If you see the map, Venezuela is even much nearer but is a remote jungle area, so no point going there.

So my journey started out early in the morning, queuing to get ferry tickets. Yup, the most economical way to get to Tobago from Trinidad is by ferry only cost RM 25 one way. The ferry was huge and even carry vehicles (I should have gotten one). 
But the journey was awful. The waves were choppy and I almost vomit out my breakfast. And to make natter worst, they were showing Whitney Houston music videos in the 80's.

After 2.5 hours, I arrived at Tobago. Reaching there I was a bit lost. Not sure if this friend of my taxi driver is coming to pick me up. So I borrowed a phone from a security officer and I call him. Dane (his name) was in church and he told me to wait there and he will come and pick me up.Finally Dane arrive and brought me to his place, at Barcolet Bay. I will tell more about the place in my next post. 

I got a rented car after that and immediately head to Pigeon Point beach (the best beach in Tobago so I was told). It was nice, many angmoh hanging out there playing kite surfing. 

I took a glass-boat tour to Nylon Pool and Buccoo Reef. Well it was a cool boat where you can see all the beautiful corals and colorful fishes through the glass floor of the boat. 

Nylon Pool is unique. There is this sand spot in the middle of the ocean. You can stand there and all around you is crystal clear water, .They say if you swim in Nylon pool you will feel 10 years younger and if you kiss underwater you are destined for life, yeah right!

I finished the day sitting at the end of the jetty watching the beautiful Caribbean sunset. Really peaceful with seagulls flying above and fishes swimming in patterns below the jetty. It was really a bliss. 

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