Thursday, March 24, 2011

Toilet story..

This few days have been real busy for me doing document.Or maybe because I am bit lazy or slow, thought I could finish it in hours and spend the rest of the time enjoying my trip. It has been few days here already and I am not finish yet. Aaaarggh!!. Need to move to Gear 5 already.
Anyway, just curi tulang and write a little blog. I was in customer's office. Went to the restroom or toilet or gents room or whatever people call it here. There was no sign male or female toilet. Well, I was rest assured that it was a male toilet as there were standing urinal there. So there I was in my vulnerable state, relieving myself with small whistle tune of "One Way". All of a sudden, a lady come out of the toilet cubicle and casually wash her hand, stare at her face in the mirror, turn around and smile at me. It  was that type of feeling like you are being gutted real bad. My face turn lobster red and I pull the hardest humiliating smile back as reply.
Now I realise it is actually a shared toilet. Lesson learn, I will really study the toilet first and next time, I am using the cubicle.

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