Saturday, February 19, 2011


Ok. this is the closure post for this trip. It has been eye-opening, life-refreshing, exciting experience, wonderful journey, what else can i say... I really enjoy it. What more if all this things are sponsored by my company (with allowance). Sweet .Anyway sleep throughout the flight from London to Singapore. Now back at home in KL. It is 1am hopefully I am able to sleep soon. 1 am is 1pm trinidad time. So, my friends, time to say goodbye for now. Hope you enjoyed my blog for this trip. Thanks for reading. Adios and Good nite. See you again in my next trip. Dunno where...


Since it is a one day visit, so I will compile my london trip report in one blog. You know, the normal tourist spot.

London bridge is falling down. I was literally trying to push down the pill-like statue. It won;t budge.

London eye. Nope didn't went up. Dun wanna waste my pound and time. :

Westminster. House of Parliament. and Big Ben

Saw the common london bus

Policeman on horses. Seriously, I can't imagine them chasing a car on the horse. 

went to Buckingham palace and saw the statue-like guard. What's the purpose they stand there on their shift like a statue? Who started this policy?

this is burkingham palace. 
Nah, nothing so fancy except the guard. 

But what i like is st james park. One of the most beautiful park I have been. Spend about an hour there, watching people, flowers, trees, birds, ducks, squirrel, gerbil. 

Lastly Tower of London. The tourist spot that is most look forward to that I missed. Thanks to my downloaded touring guide. It was the palace cum dungeon that tortured many people. Man, I watch so many historical movies, William Wallace, Queen Anne Boleyn, Lady Aragorn. all were tortured here. The only museum I am willing to pay to visit. But it was 4pm and already closed. Was really cursing in my heart on the tour guide I downloaded from the internet lead me to those what's-the-big-deal places like london eye, modern art gallery etc....
I will definitely go for the historical tour my next round. Ya I like history. And if got time and money go and visit Stamford Bridge also. Please please company please send me to london again. Oh,  I also forgot to buy I Love London tshirt. Another good reason  for me to go back London

Last day in Trini

My last day in trini. Hmm. it was well spend finishing up my work to send to Digicel. Then, took a quick walk to town to get lunch. It was after school hours and saw many young high school students after school, you know, playing, eating street food, waiting for bus, hanging out with friends. Ahh, how I miss my school days. How I miss my younger days. Ironically, when I was young I always wish to be a grown up asap. Ya, I should embrace my age whatever season of life. And I am enjoying this season of life where I can travel and see the world!

Sorry the taxi had to wait so long for me to pack my stuff. I did not buy any big things except for a new pair of shoe (made in China). Checking out, yes I was shocked the whole hotel bill come to RM6k plus. Rm450 per night and lots of room dining. Well, thank you <MY COMPANY NAME>
The ride to airport was pretty hard feeling. Had a great time talking to my taxi driver (since is a long ride in the after hours traffic jam). We talk about family to politics to religion this that etc. It was great to connect with someone who has completely different background , culture and country.
Reaching the airport I saw a beautiful full rainbow. It reminds me of Noah. And it was also like a farewell to me. Such wonderful feeling. Next stop.... London.

Monday, February 14, 2011

sweet valentine.

I am back to Trinidad. Took the morning ferry from Tobago, the evening one was fully booked. Well, so glad I made it through the scary night. I did not make any taxi arrangement once reaching the ferry terminal in Trinidad. I kinda used up my Trinidian money. So I decided to walk home from the ferry terminal. Well not home exactly, my hotel in trinidad, i mean. After 45 minutes walk under the scorching sun, really relieve to reach back to the hotel. So good to feel safe again in my 5 star hotel. After a warm bath, lunch, terus tidur until 7pm. That;s how I spend valentine day. Sweet.

Scary motel in Tobago

Now, back to the place I was staying in Bacolet Bay. Well for RM75, cheapest accomodation in Tobago i think, I was really thinking twice whether I should find a hotel to stay. The place was a run down scary motel like the one you watch on all those thriller horror movies. The way there is through a small, winding dark road and worst still you have to pass through a cemety to get there, and it was raining very heavily when I drove all alone back there (after going to the beach). The room was actually an apartment with a bedroom, small dining area, toilet and kitchen (I was praying let there be no lipas). Well the apartment was clean, but with the dim orange lights, old looking bed and closet (which can;t close properly) is the type of place that send shivers down your spine. . There was a small tv in the room but the signal was no good. Blurry images to make matters worst. There were many empty units especially on my floor. Corridors were dark and the stairs spooky looking. It was really scary alright and having my imagination running wild it wasn't a pleasant night. I have to sleep (barely) with lights on and keep on singing praises in my head.

Trip to Tobago

Sunday. My trip to Tobago. Well, this is one interesting and scary trip. Scary because I am going there alone. Had a little arrangement thanks to my taxi driver yesterday who introduce me a friend of his managing a small accommodation for travelers in Tobago for a cheap price.

My ferry ride was from Port of Spain to Scarborough. If you see the map, Venezuela is even much nearer but is a remote jungle area, so no point going there.

So my journey started out early in the morning, queuing to get ferry tickets. Yup, the most economical way to get to Tobago from Trinidad is by ferry only cost RM 25 one way. The ferry was huge and even carry vehicles (I should have gotten one). 
But the journey was awful. The waves were choppy and I almost vomit out my breakfast. And to make natter worst, they were showing Whitney Houston music videos in the 80's.

After 2.5 hours, I arrived at Tobago. Reaching there I was a bit lost. Not sure if this friend of my taxi driver is coming to pick me up. So I borrowed a phone from a security officer and I call him. Dane (his name) was in church and he told me to wait there and he will come and pick me up.Finally Dane arrive and brought me to his place, at Barcolet Bay. I will tell more about the place in my next post. 

I got a rented car after that and immediately head to Pigeon Point beach (the best beach in Tobago so I was told). It was nice, many angmoh hanging out there playing kite surfing. 

I took a glass-boat tour to Nylon Pool and Buccoo Reef. Well it was a cool boat where you can see all the beautiful corals and colorful fishes through the glass floor of the boat. 

Nylon Pool is unique. There is this sand spot in the middle of the ocean. You can stand there and all around you is crystal clear water, .They say if you swim in Nylon pool you will feel 10 years younger and if you kiss underwater you are destined for life, yeah right!

I finished the day sitting at the end of the jetty watching the beautiful Caribbean sunset. Really peaceful with seagulls flying above and fishes swimming in patterns below the jetty. It was really a bliss. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shark meat

To all animal lovers out there, my apology, I had shark meat for lunch today.

Haha, it is another trinidian local delicacies called Bake and Shark. It is famous food here so I have to try.

My verdict? No big deal just another fish burger, a very huge fish burger. And here is the famous restaurant right across the beach.

Beach Time

not going to the beach is like not been to Trinidad. It's Saturday!. Workshop is finish. So today we head to Maracas beach, the most famous beach in Trinidad:
on the way to Maracas beach

The waves here are nice enough to have back massage (letting the waves hit your back) anbd also for surfing.  Behind the beach, is a scenery of majestic mountains as backdrop. 

And the coolest thing I have seen that morning was a sight of an army helicopter flying very closely to the beach and the mountain. It reminds me about those Vietnam war movies.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Doubles Doubles

This is a local delicacies. Is called "doubles". Don't ask why is it called doubles? Nobody knows. So I order and tried one. Only cost 4TTD(RM2) considered cheap food. And these yucky looking thing is really really yummy. What is it made of? Is some sweet crispy flour and add in the vege, kacang, dhal thingy, pepper etc etc.

End up I had double of doubles, 4 in total. Yar, lausai after that but I don;t mind eating doubles again. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Magnificent Seven

These huge English mansion built in 1900 century located around the park across my hotel.