Monday, February 14, 2011

Scary motel in Tobago

Now, back to the place I was staying in Bacolet Bay. Well for RM75, cheapest accomodation in Tobago i think, I was really thinking twice whether I should find a hotel to stay. The place was a run down scary motel like the one you watch on all those thriller horror movies. The way there is through a small, winding dark road and worst still you have to pass through a cemety to get there, and it was raining very heavily when I drove all alone back there (after going to the beach). The room was actually an apartment with a bedroom, small dining area, toilet and kitchen (I was praying let there be no lipas). Well the apartment was clean, but with the dim orange lights, old looking bed and closet (which can;t close properly) is the type of place that send shivers down your spine. . There was a small tv in the room but the signal was no good. Blurry images to make matters worst. There were many empty units especially on my floor. Corridors were dark and the stairs spooky looking. It was really scary alright and having my imagination running wild it wasn't a pleasant night. I have to sleep (barely) with lights on and keep on singing praises in my head.

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