Saturday, February 19, 2011


Since it is a one day visit, so I will compile my london trip report in one blog. You know, the normal tourist spot.

London bridge is falling down. I was literally trying to push down the pill-like statue. It won;t budge.

London eye. Nope didn't went up. Dun wanna waste my pound and time. :

Westminster. House of Parliament. and Big Ben

Saw the common london bus

Policeman on horses. Seriously, I can't imagine them chasing a car on the horse. 

went to Buckingham palace and saw the statue-like guard. What's the purpose they stand there on their shift like a statue? Who started this policy?

this is burkingham palace. 
Nah, nothing so fancy except the guard. 

But what i like is st james park. One of the most beautiful park I have been. Spend about an hour there, watching people, flowers, trees, birds, ducks, squirrel, gerbil. 

Lastly Tower of London. The tourist spot that is most look forward to that I missed. Thanks to my downloaded touring guide. It was the palace cum dungeon that tortured many people. Man, I watch so many historical movies, William Wallace, Queen Anne Boleyn, Lady Aragorn. all were tortured here. The only museum I am willing to pay to visit. But it was 4pm and already closed. Was really cursing in my heart on the tour guide I downloaded from the internet lead me to those what's-the-big-deal places like london eye, modern art gallery etc....
I will definitely go for the historical tour my next round. Ya I like history. And if got time and money go and visit Stamford Bridge also. Please please company please send me to london again. Oh,  I also forgot to buy I Love London tshirt. Another good reason  for me to go back London

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