Saturday, February 19, 2011

Last day in Trini

My last day in trini. Hmm. it was well spend finishing up my work to send to Digicel. Then, took a quick walk to town to get lunch. It was after school hours and saw many young high school students after school, you know, playing, eating street food, waiting for bus, hanging out with friends. Ahh, how I miss my school days. How I miss my younger days. Ironically, when I was young I always wish to be a grown up asap. Ya, I should embrace my age whatever season of life. And I am enjoying this season of life where I can travel and see the world!

Sorry the taxi had to wait so long for me to pack my stuff. I did not buy any big things except for a new pair of shoe (made in China). Checking out, yes I was shocked the whole hotel bill come to RM6k plus. Rm450 per night and lots of room dining. Well, thank you <MY COMPANY NAME>
The ride to airport was pretty hard feeling. Had a great time talking to my taxi driver (since is a long ride in the after hours traffic jam). We talk about family to politics to religion this that etc. It was great to connect with someone who has completely different background , culture and country.
Reaching the airport I saw a beautiful full rainbow. It reminds me of Noah. And it was also like a farewell to me. Such wonderful feeling. Next stop.... London.

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